Hundreds of professionals trained: "Importaint and very realistic simulation!"
The ExAC Trainer in Somaliland
Reduction of PPH at Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Commemorating Women´s Day with health pioneers and HRH Mette-Marit
Anesthetists, specializing in obstetric anesthesia, practice external aortic compression
ExAC Trainer at Stavanger University Hospital
Nurse anesthetists learning external aortic compression
ExAC at Global Health Norway conference
External aortic compression at BEST network meeting in Norway
ExAC at Aidex in Geneva
Grethe Heitmann at the annual meeting for Norwegian anesthetists
Postpartum Hemorrhage Community of Practice webinar - Physical techniques to treat PPH
ExAC at the 6th. Ethiopia-Norway Health Conference in Addis
Grethe Heitmann at Unite Globe
ExAC Trainer used at workshops at the SFAI week in Sweden
ExAC at the national meeting for nurse anesthesists in Norway
Successful training in Finnmark
Implementing external aortic compression in Brazil
External aortic compression at OAA Scientific meeting in Edinburgh
Workshops at Stavanger University Hospital