Products and Services
ExAC AS offers products and services that will increase the use of external aortic compression. With focus on training and education as the first step, we will soon be ready to launch medical-technical devices for reducing PPH.

The ExAC Trainer
The ExAC Trainer is the first mannikin in the world that makes it possible to train on the performance of external aortic comperssion. It can be modified to simulate external aortic compression in trauma situations as well as in postpartum situations. It also allows simulation of uterine massage.
ExAC Education
ExAC provides education and training in postpartum haemorrhage and external aortic compression.
ExAC can also provide assistance in implementing external aortic compression. This includes pre- and post-tests, education and training as well as three and six-month follow-up. The aim will be to ensure that external aortic compression is applied in clinical practice and that it does not remain only a theoretical insight.