In February 2022 Monica Nerland, midwife and trainer for ExAC, visited Ethiopia.
The purpose of the trip was to pilot the ExAC Education program on PPH that consists of an interactive pdf for self studying, a lecture and workshops which include training on the ExAC Trainer. Prior to the trip ExAC was invited by several hospitals in two different regions of the country.

The first training was conducted at The Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, which is a governmental hospital and the largest hospital in Ethiopia.

Dr Bethlehem Shiferaw Loulseged, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology had been in contact with ExAC in advance and invited us to present the training program. After a successful training with some of the staff, a meeting with Dr Loulseged took place to discuss the training program and demonstrate the trainer. A collaboration between ExAC and the Ethiopian society of obstetrics and gynecology is now established.

ExAC was also invited to Soddo Christian Hospital by Dr. Mark Karnes and Dr. Nate Ross. The hospital is a mission hospital located in Soddo, a city in the southwestern Ethiopia about 330 km from Addis Ababa.
Several trainings took place there with employees and students in the gynecology and obstetrics department as well as a group of nurses in the emergency room.

The Governmental hospital in Sodo, Otana Hospital, was the next stop on the schedule. Biruk Meskeke, clinical quality coordinator in gynecology and obstetrics department, organized the training. A fantastic training took place with an enthusiastic group of midwives.

Thanks to Tesfa and Dr. Bjarte Tidemann Andersen’s enormous network, local knowledge and support, ExAC also got the opportunity to present the training program and the trainer at Addis Hiwot Hospital and at the Korean Hospital both located in Addis Ababa. In both places the staff were eager to learn more and welcomed ExAC back on a later occasion.
Altogether the lecture on PPH management and the practical training on the ExAC Trainer was presented to more than 70 healthcare professionals consisting of gynecologists, midwives, nurses and students. In addition to this, several demonstrations of the doll without doing the full lecture took place. The training program was highly welcomed and was met with great enthusiasm. A lot of very useful feedback was given by the participants to help us in further development of the program.